Putting together a nursery, either for your own child or someone else’s, is always such a huge task. Not only is this going to be the room for a baby, but it’s going to be a tiny humans FIRST ROOM! I was honored to take on the task of putting together a beautiful space for […]
REad post
When tiling a project by yourself it is crucial to start with a level surface. Test your floors with a long 5′ level to see if your floors are flush or if theres a slope. If you have more than 1/4″ of unlevelness, you should be self leveling your floors. To learn more about tiling, […]
Are you ready to tackle your home renovations head on? Looking to upgrade your house and got the gut punch quote from a professional for upgrading your kitchen, bathroom, or flooring? Yeah, It’s happened to me too. In fact, my very first project was demoing and retiling a bathroom as a poor college student. It […]
The opinions are 100% honest and my own. This is not a sponsored post. Tilling can be intimating, but I’ve developed a few techniques and tricks to make it SO MUCH EASIER! I promise, even a beginner can tackle a backsplash or bathroom tile project with these tricks including my favorite vertical tile adhesive, musselbound. […]