DIY Floating Frame for Canvas


DIY Beginner Basics + Renovate with Honey Built Home


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Create a floating frame for a canvas for under $10? Yes please! I had these canvas’ hanging in my room and the idea of making frames for them came in my head. I’m so glad too because it was an easy, and very affordable project!

canvas frame

Measure Your Canvas

Add 1 3/4″ to the height and width. Example canvas is 20×30″ your frame will be 21
3/4″ × 31 3/4″

Cut Your Frame

Cut your frame at 45 degrees so the longest tip to tip equals your frame measurement above.
** I’m using 1×3 common board. If your canvas is thinner try using a 1×2 common board. Select pine and poplar are also great wood options.

Don’t have a miter saw? You can create this same frame using a hand saw + miter block. 

Cut bracing pieces also at a 45 degree angle for the corner. This adds support and secures into your canvas.
Assemble with wood glue and Brad nails (or just wood glue if you have corner clamps to hold everything in place as it dries).

cut canvas

Attach Corner Braces

Attach the corner braces using wood glue and Brad nails.
Sand with 120 grit then 220 grit and wipe everything off with a tack cloth.
Stain your favorite color (I’m using Flagstone).
Secure the corner braces directly into the canvas frame with Brad nails.

corner braces

Now you can hang and enjoy! The frames add warmth and make it feel like it’s more expensive than it is. Enjoy!


Be sure to follow along on IG @honeybuilthome and for more DIY projects check out my posts on my blog.

until next time, Christine

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