The most amazing thing about wallart and prints is there are millions of options to fit your style and it really transforms a space. The best part about it is it doesn’t have to be expensive. Here’s how created a huge poster print for $15! Thats it!

For my sons room we agreed on an Avenger Lego room. Since his ideas of life size murals and other oddities are out of the question I found myself on Etsy searching for some cheap prints.
Find the ones that give you a digital download of the image so you can adjust and scale it to your liking.

The print I found downloaded as an 8×10, but when I went to blow it up the photo store told me it wouldn’t print clear enough because of the quality. Here’s were the magic of photoshop comes in.
Simply open photoshop on your computer. (You can download a trial version for free for 30 days, or subscribe for $9.99 a month and have unlimited access to all of photoshop).
Once photoshop is open click FILE>OPEN> then select your image.

As you can see my image fills the entire 8×10 space, but I wanted to print it as a 20×24 so go to IMAGE at the top then IMAGE SIZE. I made mine larger, 12.8×16, but play around with what works for you, then hit OK.

Now select IMAGE again and this time CANVAS SIZE and adjust your overall size to what you are trying to print, in my case I picked 20×24″ poster, then select OK.

As you can see now my picture has adequate white space around it and is ready to be exported as a .png or a .jpeg

Now to print
There are lots of different places that print in poster size, I have found one of the most affordable and quickest places to print is at Sams Club. They offer 1 hour poster printing starting as low as $3.96 for an 11×14 and go up to $11.96 for a 24×36. This is printed on photo paper and is excellent quality. I opted for the 20×24 which was $8.96.

Combine the $8.96 plus the $6 I paid Etsy for the print and there you have a very large piece of wallart for under $15! Throw it in a frame, or build a frame, or attach it to a foam board or canvas and mount it.

For more projects and tips, follow along on instagram @honeybuilthome
I can’t tell you how much I LOVE the price breakdown on this project! It makes it so much easier to imagine doing it myself. Not being duper DIY myself, I have no idea how much a project might cost, so I have a hard time coming up with a budget so I can save up before I do it. But THIS. This is awesome!!!
thank you Brittany! I definitely think its good to go into a project knowing your TOTAL costs a lot of projects just assume you have all the tools and all the “little things” and those things ADD up!