Below is the Sunday Something Newsletter I sent out sharing the exciting news we’ve been keeping a secret for the past 4 months. Each Sunday I send out a weekly newsletter teaching you something DIY related so if you haven’t signed up click here.
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November 10, 2022
It’s late and I’m sitting here in my bed staring at the most beautiful pieces of paper I’ve ever seen. Marked at the bottom it says “Gummersall Residence” and in the middle of the page outstretched is the house I have been dreaming up for years and year. The one that I get to design, create, build from the ground up. Yes, you heard me correctly Honey Built Home is building a home!!!!!

Why is this so significant and exciting and scary?
Well, back in 2012 we were looking across the Salt Lake Valley for a lot. Found one we thought was perfect and began building and designing a home. We were pregnant with our first and I was just graduating from nursing school that following spring. It felt like everything was aligning and soon we’d be in our new build home with our new baby. Well, half way through 2013 things ended up falling apart and we had to walk away (and sue the builder).
I was 6 months pregnant living in my mother in laws basement devastated that our dream home wasn’t going to happen. Quickly we began hunting for a home and settled right where we were meant to be. Over the last decade I’ve been hunting for lots, and for one reason or another everything was always just out of reach financially. This is what led us to buy two homes back to back that were 1 year old “spec homes” that were beautiful and great, but not exactly what I had in mind long term for our family.
How it went down
Fast forward to the spring of 2022. If you remember in IG stories I shared about this beautiful home that was being built. It was at the framing stage and the owners had to move to a new state leaving what was their dream home, behind. We put in an offer and truly felt in our hearts that it was meant to be. So when the family decided to go with another offer, we were devastated. The location and the lot itself was exactly what we had been looking for, for the last 2 years. But we strongly believe everything happens for a reason. The one sacrifice that we would have made, having gotten that home, was that the layout was already designed.
Fast forward again to August 2022, when a friend of mine texted late one night to call her ASAP. I quickly picked up the phone and learned that there were a few new lots being developed on an adjacent street to this home we tried, but failed to get. It felt like the stars were aligning but I didn’t want to get too hopeful too soon. Truthfully, even typing this now with a set of first draft plans in hand and a deposit on the land, I still feel like it’s too good to be true. This can’t be actually happening and something is going to go wrong and we will once again be devastated
So I’ve kept it all a secret in fear of what could happen. Then today as I sat on the floor of my office with blueprints outstretched, Lance turned to me and said you need to share. You need to document. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity to share the whole process from literally the beginning and if it all falls apart you share that too. So here I am scared as heck to let the world know we are finally building a home!
When will the home be done?
Now for those who don’t know, the custom build process is a longggg process. We just barely started the planning phase with an architect which on average can take anywhere from 3-6 months. I tried starting this phase over a year ago but couldn’t find an architect willing to let me draw up plans without a lot. I learned this is because the dimensions of the house are dictated by the size of the lot as well as a grade/slope and if you plan a home for a specific lot, then change lots they would (in many cases) have to start completely from scratch.
Once we finish the architect phase we move onto permits and can finally break ground. Luckily the cost of building supplies have actually come down quite a bit since the Covid spike. Lumber is down almost 40% and rebar is also down. Other things like concrete are actually going up, and lets not talk about interest rates right now. But, the good news is the home itself takes about 12 months to build so hopefully 15-18 months from now everything has leveled out.

What will I do in until the house is finished?
Well, I’m having a baby in the spring and I still have a handful of projects I want and need to do here in my own home before I feel comfortable and ready to put it on the market! Am I taking into consideration doing projects that are more enticing to buyers vs very custom? Yes, I have been thinking about that for the last few years, but also, I want to live in the present and enjoy my spaces and love them and hopefully whoever decides to buy our house in the future loves them too.
Well, there you have it. I’ve spilled the beans, and I can’t wait to take you along for the whole journey. Don’t forget to head on over to my online course, DIY Beginner Basics, where I will teach you, and walk you through all you need to know to start DIYing. Use code: HONEYBUILT10 for 10% off.
Until next time,

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