
Most Favorite Baby Products

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Picking out baby products can be overwhelming.  As a first time mom 10 years ago I was completely overwhelmed and now as a mom of a newborn there’s been even more things come out to help make like a little bit easier.  So I surveyed my friends over on instagram and we came up with a pretty good list of must have, favorite baby products. 

baby products

Baby Products

Baby Brezza – it’s a like a Keurig for your baby’s formula! I didn’t have this with my first three babies, and I didn’t think I would love it as much as I do, but it really does make formula bottle making a breeze., especially at 3 am.  My 5 year old loves to go make a bottle for her little brother and I don’t have to worry that it’s mixed incorrectly.  Word of advice, search how to calibrate the formula amount.  I found that I had to change the settings from what was recommended in the manual to make sure it was mixing enough formula. 

Owlet – The owlet monitor tracks baby’s heart rate, oxygen, and sleep/activity.  It has a base that sings a loud lullaby when the heart rate dips too low. 

Doona Car Seat Stroller – I will admit the price tag on this stroller is about $200 more than I wish I would have spent on a car seat, but I really do think it was worth the splurge.  It keeps my trunk free from a stroller, and saves my back from carrying around a car seat to and from everywhere. It doesn’t have a storage basket like many other snap and go strollers. 

Nose Frida – gross? maybe! but when your babys nose is stuffed, you’ll try anything.  Tip is to use a saline spray and then suction out.  Also many parents tend to overuse the nose Frida which can cause inflammation in the nasal passage and make your baby seem more congested.  I would recommend keeping the suctioning to before naps and bedtime to make sure you aren’t overusing it!

Hatch Sound Machine – white noise is pure magic, add the convenience of the lights and controlling it from your phone…pure major magic! You can set up profiles which match a color of the light + a sound with a schedule so it comes on at bedtime and shuts off in the morning.  This is also helpful if you are sleep training a toddler to not wake up in the middle of the night.  They can get out of bed when the light turns green (or whatever color). 

Gripe Water –  hiccups or gas? gone with gripe water! 

Mamaroo Swing – This was the highest rated swing among moms and NICU nurses!! 

SnuggleMe – this was one of the most recommended baby items. 

Ergobaby Carrier – babies love to be carried, and this makes it so you can be hands free. 

Electric Nail Filer – no more clipping their skin and making them bleed

Ollie Swaddle – super recommended and super comfy for baby

Boppy Pillow – the everything pillow. Our kids call ours the donut.  Great for propping baby in to feed him also wonderful for tummy time.  Use it as a support pillow when you’re nursing to help hold up baby. 

Muslin Swaddle Blankets – the softest, breathable, and great for swaddling

Baby Bjorn Bouncer – the best bouncer, lives up to the hype.  Babies pick up pretty quickly that by just kicking their feet they bounce themselves.  

Muslin Burp Cloths – sometimes old school is the best school, these are still so good. Super absorbent and can last a few feeds before it’s saturated in milk. 

Swaddle me up :  If your baby LOVES having their hands by their face, this is the swaddle for you! Simple, zip it up, and go to bed! That’s it! 

Thermos – Old habits die hard.  I tried one of those fancy heat your water up devices and the thing just kept dying on me.  This way I can make sure my baby has warm water is to carry it in a thermos! 

Baby Ear Muffs- If you plan to take your baby to any loud event (movies, sports events, concerts, etc) be sure to pick up a pair of noise cancelling ear muffs. 



mom and baby

I’m all for products that make life easier on you! Especially with Jamison being our fourth child, I’ll take all the convenience that we can get. Be sure to follow along on IG, and to read about my birth story here.

until next time, Christine

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