Picking out baby products can be overwhelming. As a first time mom 10 years ago I was completely overwhelmed and now as a mom of a newborn there’s been even more things come out to help make like a little bit easier. So I surveyed my friends over on instagram and we came up with a pretty good list of must have, favorite baby products.

Baby Products
Baby Brezza – it’s a like a Keurig for your baby’s formula! I didn’t have this with my first three babies, and I didn’t think I would love it as much as I do, but it really does make formula bottle making a breeze., especially at 3 am. My 5 year old loves to go make a bottle for her little brother and I don’t have to worry that it’s mixed incorrectly. Word of advice, search how to calibrate the formula amount. I found that I had to change the settings from what was recommended in the manual to make sure it was mixing enough formula.
Owlet – The owlet monitor tracks baby’s heart rate, oxygen, and sleep/activity. It has a base that sings a loud lullaby when the heart rate dips too low.
Doona Car Seat Stroller – I will admit the price tag on this stroller is about $200 more than I wish I would have spent on a car seat, but I really do think it was worth the splurge. It keeps my trunk free from a stroller, and saves my back from carrying around a car seat to and from everywhere. It doesn’t have a storage basket like many other snap and go strollers.
Nose Frida – gross? maybe! but when your babys nose is stuffed, you’ll try anything. Tip is to use a saline spray and then suction out. Also many parents tend to overuse the nose Frida which can cause inflammation in the nasal passage and make your baby seem more congested. I would recommend keeping the suctioning to before naps and bedtime to make sure you aren’t overusing it!
Hatch Sound Machine – white noise is pure magic, add the convenience of the lights and controlling it from your phone…pure major magic! You can set up profiles which match a color of the light + a sound with a schedule so it comes on at bedtime and shuts off in the morning. This is also helpful if you are sleep training a toddler to not wake up in the middle of the night. They can get out of bed when the light turns green (or whatever color).
Gripe Water – hiccups or gas? gone with gripe water!
Mamaroo Swing – This was the highest rated swing among moms and NICU nurses!!
SnuggleMe – this was one of the most recommended baby items.
Ergobaby Carrier – babies love to be carried, and this makes it so you can be hands free.
Electric Nail Filer – no more clipping their skin and making them bleed
Ollie Swaddle – super recommended and super comfy for baby
Boppy Pillow – the everything pillow. Our kids call ours the donut. Great for propping baby in to feed him also wonderful for tummy time. Use it as a support pillow when you’re nursing to help hold up baby.
Muslin Swaddle Blankets – the softest, breathable, and great for swaddling
Baby Bjorn Bouncer – the best bouncer, lives up to the hype. Babies pick up pretty quickly that by just kicking their feet they bounce themselves.
Muslin Burp Cloths – sometimes old school is the best school, these are still so good. Super absorbent and can last a few feeds before it’s saturated in milk.

Swaddle me up : If your baby LOVES having their hands by their face, this is the swaddle for you! Simple, zip it up, and go to bed! That’s it!
Thermos – Old habits die hard. I tried one of those fancy heat your water up devices and the thing just kept dying on me. This way I can make sure my baby has warm water is to carry it in a thermos!
Baby Ear Muffs- If you plan to take your baby to any loud event (movies, sports events, concerts, etc) be sure to pick up a pair of noise cancelling ear muffs.

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