I am still slightly in denial that my last and final baby just turned one. I swear it was just yesterday that we were having him 7 weeks early and sitting in the NICU for days on end watching him sleep in our hands (read his birth story HERE) And here we are, with a one year old whose cute spunky personality is shining. For his birthday falling in the month of March and me desperately wanting spring to be around the corner and the snow to stop we decided on a golf theme birthday party. After searching, I found so many cute ideas on Pinterest and Etsy, but ultimately choose to make a good portion of his decor with our Cricut.

My Cricut has been used for various crafts for over a decade and love crafting with my big kids so this was actually a lot of fun. I found a few templates on Cricut Design Space that I tweaked a little. All the templates I used, I’ve shared on Cricut Design Space so you can use them and personalize them too. There is something for every theme, but obviously I was needing something for our golf themed birthday party, and this is what I settled on.
Here are the templates: CLICK HERE
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Cricut Maker 2
Foam Stickies
Sticker Paper
Golf Themed Cake Topper
Next project, The 3 dimensional cake topper is made exclusively from PAPER. Well, cardstock. I used double sided sticky foam pieces to give dimension between each piece of paper. There’s a setting on Cricut to OFFSET. So you set your object, then click OFFSET and this allows you to create the same shape, but a little bigger or a little smaller which is how I did all the shapes in multiple colors.

First Year Wall
For this wall I used a sheet of plywood and some removable vinyl. The template you can find on Cricut Design Suite. Each of the boxes fits a 4×4″ picture (so print 4×6 photos and trim them down to 4×4). I usually print mine as a one hour photo at Walgreens for quick pickup. It was simple to create, and really added to the golf themed party decor.

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