Blog Post
I’m sure you have been browsing the internet for hours looking at all of the cute striped wallpaper ready to pull the trigger and then measure and figure out that it’s going to cost you over $1000 for wallpaper. Then you researched some more and stumbled upon this post on how to PAINT stripes on […]
REad post
I will be the first to admit that I messed up on the girls’ bathroom design 4 different times. Part of the downfall to building a whole home for the first time and trying to design 27 spaces at once while doing a lot of the manual labor, but after many repaints on the vanity […]
When I’m working on a project, there are always a million other things on my mind at the same time. If there could be multiple of me, that would be convenient. The next best thing? Walmart+ InHome.
Jess’s living room & Kitchen are finally done (for the most part). Here are all of the sources and links to all of the products we used to complete the space. There are still a couple more small projects she wants to tackle before calling the space complete, but it has come a LONG way! […]