Lots of labetalol and many hospital visits. Sharing the inside scoop of Jamison’s delivery at 34 weeks.
Moving into our home one of the first things we put on the project list was to do some builtins on either side of the fireplace. It was a project we talked about numerous times and our plans evolved and when the right solution came to the forefront of our mind it just clicked, the […]
There’s no shortage of baby products on the market these days. So many brands, so many new techy products. As a mom and former Labor and Delivery nurse I’ve tested lots of products and read hundreds of reviews. So let’s break down what is on my own nursery list for our baby #4 and what […]
Over the past week I’ve been on the HUNT for some picture lights, the type of wall sconce that hangs above artwork or bookcases. My original plan was to hardwire the lights and place a switch at the bottom of the bookcase to turn them both on, but 5 studs and a window got in […]
Fashion for the entire family. PLUS, see how I dress my bump without shopping maternity. Clothes that last through all of the phases of your life.
Meet Christine Gummersall, a mother of 4, coach's wife, former Labor and Delivery nurse, and self taught DIYer who decided to take a sledge hammer to her 1950's bathroom over a decade ago and hasn't stopped tackling her honey-do list since. Folow along as christine breaks down the pretty afters, by showing the whole how to process and empowers you to STOP waiting, and START creating a home you love, with your own two hands!
DIY Beginner Basics is a self-paced ONLINE COURSE that is here to help get you comforable with power tools and finishing supplies (such as paint), so you can start tackling your own honey-do list and save thousands, all while getting the satisfaction of saying, "yeah, I built that!"
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